Fr. Greg Crosthwait, rector (Sr. Pastor)
Greg was born and raised in the Dallas area (Garland, TX) and came to faith in Jesus at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Camp when I was 10 years old. He embraced and began learning discipleship to Jesus in his early 20's. He met and married his wife, Emily, at Grace Bible Church in Dallas, TX. In the process of completing a ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary, he discovered liturgical worship and sacramental theology in the Anglican tradition. He completed his ThM in 2002 and was ordained priest in 2004.
His first curacy (assisting pastorate) was in a five-year-old church plant. He had hoped that church planting was his immediate next step. But God had other plans and work for him in suburban, rural, and urban settings. After 13 years as a Rector in several established churches, in 2017 the Lord called him to plant Church of the Incarnation.

Fr. Andrew Hollinger, Curate & Campus Pastor for Anglican Aggies
Andrew was born and raised in Central Texas. In High School he was a worship leader in the Baptist/non-denominational setting, but after a severe vocal injury that door was closed. Andrew’s first Anglican service was Easter Vigil at our sister church in Waco, Christ Church. In that service, the beauty, dignity, and power of the liturgy captivated him, and taught him that the worship of God is more than singing—it can be spoken, whispered (which it was for a long time for him), enacted, eaten and drank. The Christian walk likewise doesn’t need to be afraid of the "big questions" of Church History and Theology, because in these pursuits we see God drawing us closer to Himself as we learn more about Him and how He has been faithful to our ancestors. Thus he was enchanted by Lancelot Andrewes’ conviction: “One canon reduced to writing by God himself, two testaments, three creeds, four general councils, five centuries, and the series of Fathers in that period…determine the boundary of our faith.”
Andrew went to Baylor for his undergraduate degree in the Great Texts of the Western Tradition, also writing an Honors thesis, a theological analysis of Kendrick Lamar’s rap music. Later, Andrew wrote his MDiv thesis on Tractarian Social Ethics, how Anglicans have a special understanding of the sacraments and the parish church as the locus for social redemption—relying on neither socialist nor Roman Catholic sources to construct this vision. His other interests are Victorian novels, the oddities of Liturgics and Vestments, muddling through Herodotus one day per quarter (gotta keep that Greek up!), reading the books now that he said he read for class, and “learning” French on Duolingo.
Andrew was confirmed in our Diocese in 2018, met his wife Elizabeth in 2019, married in 2021, attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Wisconsin, graduating in May 2024. Andrew and Elizabeth recently welcomed their first child, Charlie, this August.

Will Otto,
Lay Pastor for Music and Creative Arts
Will grew up just down the road in Navasota, Texas. At the age of 15, he was invited to Young Life by his friend, where he learned how to lead songs on the guitar and was transformed by the life-changing truth of the Gospel. Around the same time, he met Tara, and after he graduated from Texas A&M in 2002, they were married. They have four wonderful children.

Amber Kraft,
Parish Administrator
Amber was born and raised in the Dallas area. She has done short-term mission work in four different countries. She married Joey, and they moved to Boston for several years while he was in law school. After graduating they moved here, to his hometown. They have one son named Ezra. Amber is a homemaker, and brings 20 years of administrative experience to the role of Parish Admin.

Lyxee Fruge,
Children's Discipleship Lead
Lyxee was raised in East Texas. She was homeschooled and grew up in full time missions with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). During her growing up years in YWAM, she was a part of a performing arts team, taught dance classes, helped lead children’s summer camps and outreaches, and went on several overseas missions trips. After meeting and marrying her husband, Dustin, they continued as staff in YWAM Tyler for a few years and then moved to England where they continued ministry in YWAM. They have 3 wonderful children ages 10, 8, and 5. While in England Lyxee was a part of a children’s ministry team where they ministered to local families, and was also a part of the campus mentoring program and campus leadership team. In 2021 after 12 years in full time ministry and 7 of those in England, they felt God leading them to return home to Texas. When moving back to Texas, Lyxee worked as a preschool teacher and curriculum administrator with Mother’s Day Out at a local church. She has a heart for family, children, and creativity.

Kira Bickham,
Nursery Coordinator
Kira graduated from Texas A&M University in 2017 with a Bachelors in Youth Development. She has a passion for education and sharing the love of Christ. Kira and her husband, Ryan, have two sons together. Her hobbies include spending time with friends and family, drinking a nice cup of coffee, working out, and traveling.