Yes, I'm new to the Anglican Way.
Welcome! God bless you as you explore the Anglican tradition.
As you begin, please remember that discipleship to Jesus is the most important idea. It was, and remains, Jesus's idea. It is what he commissioned his disciples to make: "make disciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19).
If you are a disciple, you may find that Jesus is inviting you to follow him in fellowship with other disciples in the Anglican Way. If that's where you are, we certainly pray Incarnation will become a spiritual home for you.

Why The Anglican Way and not Anglicanism?
The Anglican Way and Anglicanism are synonymous. You'll hear us use both terms.
The Anglican Way emphasizes practical action and a way of life. Discussion of Anglicanism can too easily become sidetracked with institutional concerns and church politics. To keep the main thing the main thing, we like to speak of Christian discipleship in the Anglican Way.​
The Anglican Way is basically engagement with the Bible within a local church community built on liturgical practices guided by the Book of Common Prayer. Anglicanism is a rich, spiritually nourishing tradition attracting new believers and sustaining long-time disciples. We seek to combine the best of what is old and what is new as we build our lives on the rock that is Christ.
So as you explore the Anglican Way, please do so (a) as a disciple, and (b) as a disciple looking for a reliable foundation for learning practical obedience to Jesus. If you are looking for this, you will find it in the practices found in and flowing from the Book of Common Prayer.
The Anglican Rookie section of Anglican Compass has an array of articles for anyone exploring the Anglicanism. And their Resources page has a long list of books and links.
In all of this, the most important book is the Bible. And if you find that the Book of Common Prayer helps you engage Scripture, then please reach out. Our people and pastor will be happy to welcome you and walk together with you in discipleship to Jesus.