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Fr. Greg is doing WHAT!?!?!

Running a marathon was not on my "to do" list back in 2020. My goal was simple, run off some of the weight I gained in the Fall semester of 2019 by eating so much pizza with the Anglican Aggies. I needed to move, so I did. And then I kept running. I ran a marathon in 2020, ran the BCS Half Marathon in 2021, and now I'm running the BCS Marathon in 2022.


Why I'm running.

This is both a victory lap and a patient effort for continuing mission.

2022 completes my fifth year with Incarnation. We have grown in 2021 and 2022 and become a small church. I began running back in 2019 for health reasons. But I continued running because I discovered that endurance and patient effort over time were core strategies for church planting. The planting phase is over. But life together and growth in spiritual maturity, as well as numerical strength, continues. So I want to open this new season of mission with the same strategies by which we planted Incarnation: endurance and patient effort over time.


When I'm running.

I am running on Sunday, December 11th. Fortunately, our church still meets in the afternoon at 4pm. So I can run a marathon in the morning and, God willing, be of service to the church in the afternoon. We've planned a special service of Advent Lessons and Carols to make this day possible. Come worship with us if you're in town!


The need.

Our goal is to raise $12k for Incarnation and Anglican Aggies. This amount will help fund our growth goals for 2023.


Would you consider partnering with me in this endeavor?


Join the race!

My hope is that supporters will sponsor me per mile for the upcoming marathon. Whether it is increments  $1, $2, $5, $10, $15, $20, $50, or $100 per mile (26.2mi, Lord willing), or a total gift amount, we will apply your gift to our continuing mission.


Please click below to give

Anglican Aggies, Church of the Incarnation, and I thank you for your support!



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The Church of the Incarnation

Bryan-College Station, TX

© 2025

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