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World Mission Sunday (continued) | February 7, 2021

Abraham by Stephen Crotts (

Reflection on the Word in our Worship

Paul describes what motivates his practice and strategy for his life and mission: "I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share . . . in its blessings" (1 Corinthians 9:23). But what is the Gospel? John Stott offers this answer in his book Christian Mission in the Modern World.

What is the one, the changeless New Testament gospel? The first and the best answer would be to say that the whole Bible is God’s good news in all its astonishing relevance. Bible and gospel are almost alternative terms, for the major function of the Bible in all its length and breadth is to bear witness to Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, God’s revelation recorded in Scripture.
What is the Good News? The good news is Jesus. And the good news about Jesus which we announce is that he died for our sins and was raised from death. In consequence he reigns as Lord and Savior at God’s right hand and has authority both to command repentance and faith, and to bestow forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Spirit on all those who repent, believe and are baptized. And all this is according to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. It is more than that. It is precisely what is meant by “proclaiming the kingdom of God.” For in fulfillment of Scripture God’s reign has broken into the life of men through the death and resurrection of Jesus. This reign or rule of God is exercised from the throne by Jesus, who bestows salvation and requires obedience. These are the blessing and the demand of the kingdom.

The Collect for the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

O Lord, our heavenly Father, keep your household the Church continually in your true religion, that we who trust in the hope of your heavenly grace may always be defended by your mighty power; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.

The Word:

(Click on the links below to read Sunday's passages)

(click below to listen to Incarnation's Playlist)

Psalm 142

1 I cried unto the Lord with my voice; *

even unto the Lord I made my supplication.

2 I poured out my complaints before him, *

and showed him my trouble.

3 When my spirit was in heaviness, you knew my path; *

in the way wherein I walked they had secretly laid a snare for me.

4 I looked also to my right hand *

and saw there was no one who would know me.

5 I had no place to flee to,*

and no one cared for my soul.

6 I cried out to you, O Lord, and said, *

“You are my refuge, and my portion in the land of the living.”

7 Consider my complaint, *

for I am brought very low.

8 O deliver me from my persecutors, *

for they are too strong for me.

9 Bring me out of prison, that I may give thanks unto your Name. *

When you show me your loving-kindness,

then shall the righteous gather around me.



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